#e11b22 (boro red)
The hexadecimal colour code #e11b22 is a shade of pink-red.
This colour is used in the Middlesbrough F.C. logo.
Using alum as a mordant and bloodroot and madder as colorants, participants joined Jade to hand dye cottons and silks, in a futile attempt to trying to achieve the boro red shade using only natural materials.
In another workshop to celebrate international colour day, the public were invited to create zines on the theme of Red, the work was compiled and turned into a ltd edition risograph printed zine which are hidden in a pocket in the banner.
The zines are free and include more about the link to the textiles industry, short texts about Red and lots of joyful content made by citizens of Middlesbrough!
With special thanks to all The Auxiliary Project Space, Navigator North, Tunnel Gallery, and all of the other people who joined in the workshop!