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wax collective

This installation features photographs submitted through an open call for inherited images that respond to the theme Family Legacy.

WAX was interested in displaying personal accounts of growing up in Middlesbrough and uncovering its residents' hidden heritage stories.

The project exists as a homage to the important legacies passed down through our families and draws attention to the intrinsic link between photography and memory.

A submitted project that was of particular interest was archival imagery depicting the Middlesbrough motorcycle scene. A scene that has been prominent since the 1950s when rockers on factory British bikes dominated it.

After the release of Dennis Hopper's Easy Rider in 1969, the chopper scene exploded. Some of the images show a small part of both the local chopper and political activism movement, how they were linked and how the pursuit of freedom and civil liberties was a way of life for the rider/activist and their families.

WAX is a photography collective made up of Antony Chambers, Rachel Deakin, Jason Hynes, and Amy Owens. The collective's focus is to develop contemporary art photography and support emerging photographers further their practice through a diverse range of events, exhibitions, and workshops.

This project is ongoing, for more information please follow the links below.

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